We MAKE EVERYTHING you do to market your MedSpa EASIER.

Work with us 

Our mission is to DEMISTIFY the world of MARKETING for medspa and wellness businesses.


We empower medspa businesses with clear, actionable, and accessible education, ensuring they're not just aware, but confident and adept in effectively marketing their unique services. Through our dedicated channels, from Instagram to YouTube, we provide insights that are not only easy to grasp but seamlessly integrable into everyday operations. 

Our aim is to make medspa marketing intuitive and success achievable for all.



We envision a future where HIGH-LEVEL MEDSPA MARKETING strategy and its essential deliverables are WITHIN REACH


Through our comprehensive 'done-for-you' and 'done-with-you' services, we aim to empower medspa business leaders with the tools, knowledge, and confidence to not only comprehend the intricacies of medspa marketing but to masterfully manage and execute them. 

Our vision is to level the playing field, ensuring every business, big or small, thrives in a competitive marketplace.



In the dynamic and often opaque landscape of the medical spa  industry we stand firm in our COMMITMENT TO TRANSPARENCY


Our transparency extends beyond mere interactions; it's reflected in our educational efforts, our services, and our strategic insights. We aim to illuminate the path for our clients, breaking down complexities of medspa marketing, dispelling myths, and offering a genuine helping hand. Our goal is to empower our community with clarity, ensuring they are always well-informed, confident, and prepared to navigate the evolving challenges of their businesses.

Our ethos revolves around open dialogue, candid communication, and an unwavering dedication to genuine service. 



Revolutionizing MedSpa Marketing

Crafting Success Stories One Business at a Time

With an impressive track record of driving multi-million dollar revenue for  medspas on modest marketing budgets, Hillary possesses an innate ability to maximize the impact of every marketing dollar. Her secret lies in helping refine internal systems designed to nurture, retain, and expand existing business, proving that growth isn't just about acquisition but also retention. Hillary's expertise is widely recognized in the industry. She's been a featured speaker for national organizations and conferences, including the American IV Association, Nursepreneurs and the Aesthetic Extender Symposium. Her commitment to The MedSpa Society stems from a deep-rooted passion to ensure that spa entrepreneurs, irrespective of budget, can decode the complexities of the industry and thrive. 

hillary small | ceo and founder

Marketing and branding that not only WINS awards but drives results
Marketing and branding that not only WINS awards but drives results

Our Top 50
Most Coveted Resources!

Our Little Black Book is is a curated list of coveted resources and favorite tools that we've compiled over a decade working with businesses just like yours! It contains more than 50 direct links to start implementing in your business now!