Promoting or marketing your MedSpa business doesn’t have to break the bank – there are plenty of ways you can market your medspa for Free. Here are our top 10 free ways to drive traffic, leads and sales for your medspa or beauty business.

Offer Useful Content On Your Website

One of the best ways to attract visitors to your site is by providing valuable content they won’t find anywhere else. This content should focus on addressing common questions, concerns and interests of your target audience. For a medspa or beauty business, this could include articles, videos or podcasts on topics like:

  • The latest trends and procedures in aesthetic medicine
  • Skincare tips and best practices
  • Reviews and comparisons of products/services
  • Advice on preparing for appointments
  • Patient testimonials and before/after photos
  • Wellness and self-care recommendations

Aim to regularly publish new, helpful content. This gives people a reason to keep coming back to your site. Make sure your content is well-written and designed for easy reading on both desktop and mobile.

Start a Blog

A blog can be a great way to provide the useful content mentioned above. Unlike static web pages, a blog allows you to frequently and easily publish new posts optimized with targeted keywords. This is great for search engine optimization (more on that below).

Blog post ideas for a medspa or beauty business include:

  • Spotlighting specific procedures/services you offer
  • Answering common patient FAQs
  • Profiles of your providers and staff
  • Seasonal skincare recommendations
  • Patient testimonials/stories
  • Behind-the-scenes looks at your office

Make sure your blog covers a good range of topics relevant to your audience. Promote your new posts on social media to drive traffic.

Optimize for SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) involves optimizing your website content so it ranks higher in search engines like Google. Most people find businesses online through search, so higher search rankings = more website traffic.

Here are some key SEO tips for promoting a medspa or beauty website:

  • Use target keywords – Research keywords potential customers are searching related to your services. Organically work these keywords into your blog posts and web pages. You can use sites like SEMRush or UberSuggest, that have free tools that help with keyword research. 
  • Write SEO titles & meta descriptions – Make sure each page/post is optimized with a title containing the keyword. Write a meta description that makes users click.
  • Optimize images – Fill out image file names and alt text using keywords. This helps images rank in image search.
  • Improve site speed – Faster loading sites rank higher. Compress images, enable caching, minimize redirects.
  • Internal linking – Link related pages/posts together using keywords to establish relevancy.
  • Update old content – Refresh outdated pages and posts to keep ranking.

SEO is an ongoing process, but these basics will help boost your search presence. I recommend reviewing your top ranking competitors for SEO ideas too.


Leverage Social Media

Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and YouTube are extremely powerful for promoting your medspa or beauty business. 

Here are some tips for success:

  • Be consistent – Post regularly to stay top of mind. Mix promotional posts with other fun, useful content.
  • Engage your audience – Don’t just broadcast. Actively respond to comments, messages and reviews. Build relationships.
  • Use visuals – Vibrant images and video perform best on social media. Show off your space, staff and satisfied patients.
  • Run contests/giveaways – Offer prizes like free services and products to grow your following.
  • Promote events – Hype up any workshops, parties or open houses on social.
  • Link to website and booking engine – Include your site link prominently on profiles. Drive social traffic to your latest content and encourage online booking.

Dedicate time to managing your social media presence if you want it to be an effective promotional tool. And don’t forget to track the results!

Tap into Email Lists

Email marketing is still one of the most direct, cost-effective ways to list of medspa marketing tactics.

Here are tips for capitalizing on email:

  • Offer an opt-in – Have a signup box on your site to collect emails from new visitors. Offer an incentive like a discount code.
  • Segment your list – Separate out emails collected from specific services or events to send targeted messages.
  • Send great content – Don’t just push sales. Provide subscribers with truly useful information tailored to their interests.
  • Automate campaigns – Create automations in your CRM to schedule and automate your email sends.
  • Watch metrics – Pay attention to open rate, click rate and unsubscribe rate. Tweak your approach as needed.
  • Clean your list – Remove inactive emails to improve deliverability.

Focus on providing subscribers with top-notch content, special offers and VIP access. They’ll look forward to hearing from you!

Get Listed on Review Sites

Today’s consumers rely heavily on online reviews when choosing where to spend their money. That’s why it’s critical for medspas and beauty businesses to be proactive about getting listed and reviewed on the major sites.

Verify your business information is correct on all of these listing sites. Then start encouraging happy customers to leave positive reviews that will build credibility with prospective leads.

Direct People to Review Sites

Don’t just hope customers organically leave reviews on the major sites. Make it super easy for them.

  • Have review site links on your website footer
  • Print review site urls on receipts
  • Email review links after appointments
  • Personally ask satisfied patients for reviews

The more reviews you accumulate, the more new patients will trust and choose your business.

Collaborate with Local Businesses

Find win-win partnership opportunities with complementary businesses in your area.

Some ideas:

  • Offer packages/discounts with local spas for combined services
  • Coordinate events with fitness studios or salons
  • Swap guest blog posts to tap into aligned audiences
  • Partner with hotels, event spaces for package deals
  • Cross-promote on social media with relevant hashtags

Strategic local partnerships help expand your reach and get new eyeballs on your website.

Pitch Yourself as a Source

Reaching out to media contacts can help grow your visibility as an industry expert. Offer yourself as a knowledgeable source:

  • Contact health/beauty publications and local news outlets.
  • Pitch yourself as a guest for podcast interviews.
  • Volunteer for quotes in relevant articles.
  • Suggest helpful medspa/beauty story ideas.
  • Share your blog posts/content for possible republication.

Securing press mentions, interviews and contributed articles is great for boosting authority and driving new traffic. Make sure your website and social profiles look professional!

Keep Optimizing

Don’t get overwhelmed trying to implement all of these medspa marketing tactics at once. We recommend picking 2-3 ideas to focus on each month. Test them out, see what resonates, then build on the momentum.

The key is continuously finding new ways to get in front of your ideal audience. Keep optimizing based on the results you’re seeing. Stay flexible, creative and proactive.

About The MedSpa Society

We are a medical spa marketing agency with 15+ years of experience working with MedSpas, Plastic Surgeons, Functional Medicine & Wellness Practices and IV Nutrient Therapy Clinics. Not only have we worked with multiple clients in the Medical Aesthetics industry, but we’ve also worked in-house for large multi-location MedSpas. We know how much skill and time goes into running a medical aesthetics or wellness practice. Let us help you stand out and achieve greater success by streamlining your marketing. Working with The MedSpa Society, you will gain a highly engaged team, fiercely loyal clients/patients, and peace of mind. Let’s just say we know the industry like the back of our hand. To learn more about how we can help your MedSpa or Aesthetics business stay ahead of the competition when it comes to marketing, Click Here